PMS Performance


The information given below was compiled from publicly available Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) data regarding 'Discretionary PMS Services'. We are not responsible for any errors. Please consult a SEBI-registered investment advisor before investing in any product.

If you find a discrepancy between any numbers on this page and SEBI's pages, please contact us and we will attempt to rectify it immediately. If there is any issue with the original data on SEBI's website, please contact SEBI directly as we will not be able to change it.

SEBI data is not available for all months. Such months are marked with 'NRF' (No Records Found) in the table. If and when such data becomes available, we will update this page.

The presentation below (compounding of monthly returns) is one way of measuring performance across time, known as time-weighted rate of return or TWRR. TWRR is the method SEBI requires PMS managers to follow in their performance disclosures.

SEBI currently requires monthly reporting of PMS performance data by approach only. These approaches are numerous, varied and may change or disappear over time for any given manager. Aggregate performance data for a fund manager is not provided. Therefore, to maintain consistency of measurement over time, we have derived an aggregate PMS-level performance number by using a weighted average method in the presentation below. The assets under management of the respective approaches are used as the weight measures for overall discretionary PMS performance in any given month. The AUM and performance numbers relate to discretionary PMS only.

Please note that quantitative performance data is only one facet of a fund manager. Many other criteria may distinguish a fund manager such as investment philosophy, style, process, strategy, objectives, etc.

SEBI's own disclaimer regarding the data is reproduced below.

"The performance of the Portfolio Manager (PM) has not been approved or recommended by SEBI nor SEBI certifies the accuracy or adequacy of the Monthly Report. The monthly report of the PM has been prepared by the individual Portfolio Manager as required by SEBI circular on " Monthly reporting by Portfolio Managers" dated October 08, 2010 and filed with SEBI. The monthly report, inter-alia, contains 'performance of the PM during the month'. It may be noted that the relationship between the PM and the client is contractual in nature and the PM mainly provides customized service taking into consideration the need of customers, their preferences, risk profiling, suitability etc. Further, no pooling is allowed and no units are issued as in the case Mutual fund. Therefore, the performance of one portfolio manager may not be comparable with the performance of another."